FDA Approved Low Level Laser Hair Therapy Now at Transitions of Indiana

August 2014

FDA Approved Laser Hair Therapy

Low level laser therapy has been a controversial topic when it comes to the efficacy towards hair growth for many years. The study of laser treatment on hair growth has dated back to 1967 when a doctor by the name of Endre Mester from Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary stumbled upon a fascinating discovery. Mester was conducting studies to see the effects of low lever lasers and if it would cause cancer in mice. To his pleasant surprise, cancer never manifested, but instead, there was substantial hair growth on the test sites of the mice. Unfortunately, the studies conducted by Mester and the several studies done thereafter him, were never granted approval by the FDA as an efficient method of hair growth. Shortly after, more studies were conducted and the treatment of low level laser therapy (LLLT) was been approved in the medical world for treating musculoskeletal injuries. Just recently, the long awaited approval for LLLT being an effective means of hair growth and restoration has become a reality. Sunetics International has now obtained the first ever stationary FDA approved laser hair therapy device, which is certified and approved to produce results for hair growth in humans as well as being safe (men and women). Here at Transitions of Indiana we believe in giving our clients the best products and the best means to see their results, which is why we have just added our third FDA approved Sunetics low level laser. Check out the men and women before & after Sunetics Low Level Laser Therapy photos below.

How Does it Work?

Laser light therapy uses a scientific principle called photo-biotherapy. The concept behind LLLT is to stimulate cellular function, and is considered to be a “cold laser” that does not penetrate more that 5-6mm from the surface (depth to bulb of the hair). Low level energy stimulates the body’s biological mechanism, which promote growth, repairing and healing components to itself. All cells have a specific range in which they absorb light through their chromophores. These chromophores are responsible for providing cellular energy through cellular respiration and the creation of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), which in turn leads to normalization of cellular function. This increase in ATP increases the available energy for cells, allowing for nutrients to be absorbed more quickly and also get rid of waste in the same manner. The ultimate goal of LLLT is to increase circulation of the blood to hair follicles and stimulate the nerves, muscles and growth centers of the follicle.

Effects of LLLT

Based on the journal completed by Richard P. Giannotto, MD – President/ Medical Director of Hair Restoration Group, PC, there is data pointing to the following effects of low level laser therapy on the scalp:

  1. Increased scalp blood flow and microcirculation by 20-30%
  2. Increases nutrient supply to enhance hair growth
  3. Stimulates and accelerates hair growth
  4. Stops the progression of hair loss
  5. Repairs and improves hair shaft quality
  6. Reduces excess levels of skin 5 alpha reductase and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which contribute to genetic thinning
  7. Relieves scalp conditions such as psoriasis, seborrhoeic dermatitis, itchy/scaling scalp (anti-inflammatory properties)
  8. Normalizes sebum production (also increases production in under activity and dryness and decreases production in over activity or greasiness)
  9. Reduces tight, tender scalp
  10. Also, excellent adjunct therapy for pre-operative and post-operative Hair Restoration procedures

Clinical Study

A study was done by John L. Satino and Michael Markou, D.O. to confirm the efficacy of low level laser therapy for stimulating hair regrowth and also determine what effect it had on tensile strength of the hair. 35 subjects were used, 28 males ages between 28 and 72 and 7 females between 46 and 76, which all had androgenetic alopecia (AGA). These subjects underwent a 6 month treatment period every other day for 5 minutes. The final results showed that the hair count in the temporal area averaged of 55.2% in women, 74.1% in men, and 69.1% for all patients. In the vertex area, 64.9% for women, 120.1% for men, and 111.9% for all patients. This gives a final result of 93.5% efficacy when all temporal and vertex subjects were combined. Similarly, hair tensile strength showed improvements as well. The temporal area increased 82.6% in women, 64.4% in men, and 69.3% in all patients. In the vertex area, 71.1% for women, 89.3% for men, and 86.4% in all patients. The hair tensile strength was increased by 78.9% when all temporal and vertex subjects were combined. This study confirms the hypothesis that low level laser therapy is an effective treatment for stimulating hair growth and increasing the tensile strength of hair in both sexes.

Find out if you are a candidate for Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Thinning Hair

Transitions of Indiana offers free and private consultations. During your consultation, you will learn more about low level laser therapy and all other proven hair restoration solutions available. In addition to LLLT, Transitions provides other hair restoration solutions including: Platelet Rich Plasma treatments (PRP), hair transplantation, and non-surgical hair replacement. Please click below or call 317-871-7330 to request a consultation.

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